
Just Push Publish!

I’m a teacher, and I love blogs. I love reading other teacher’s blogs, sharing blogs on social media, and writing my own teacher blog.

So, you’re interested in blogging? And, you’re somewhere in the education world? High five!

However, you may be saying to yourself, “but Mari, I don’t have anything special to say!” Past Mari, the one you may have met in 2015, said the same exact thing! She wanted to blog, and felt like she didn’t have much to contribute.

Fast forward to present-day Mari…or, well, me. I remix things I learn about from friends and at conferences and add my own unique twist. I’m sharing my experience in my classroom and eduworld, and that’s enough for me.

Your voice is valuable! Your voice needs to be heard!

So, where exactly do you start?
  1. Pick a blogging platform. I prefer Blogger. Some of my friends use WordPress, Weebly, or Edublogs.
  2. Create a blog! Pick a name that relates to who and what you teach.
  3. Write your first post! I prefer to draft my posts on Google Docs, then copy & paste into Blogger. (Need some sentence frames? That’s ok. Here’s a handy “my first post” template.)
  4. Push publish!

I know it’s scary to push publish! Terrifying, actually. But it’s so worth it. Remember, you’re not a professional writer, and mistakes are ok. The edu-community is very forgiving, and is excited to read what you post.

Your first post is published. Now what? Share you post on social media and with colleagues, read and comment on other education blogs, and keep up your learning spirit!

It’s ok if you don’t blog on a regular schedule. Blog when you’re inspired or when you have an idea. If you need to keep up a writing habit, try using Google Docs to write every day, and post when you have something you’d like to share.

If you want to join a community of bloggers to continue your blogging journey with friendly support, read more about the SunchatBloggers here, and check out our resources.

Happy blogging!


Did you write your very first blog post? Comment below with a link, I’d love to read it!  

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